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Conjunto gorro y poncho a dos agujas

Conjunto gorro y poncho a dos agujas 

Woven on two needles translated into Spanish English

Knitted poncho and hat

Tejidos en dos agujas traducidos en espaƱol inglĆ©s 

Poncho y gorro tejidos


Talla: S/M/L/XL

Medidas del modelo:

Contorno de pecho aprox. 120/128 cm

Largo aprox. 57 cm


Hilo: 550/600 g beige (merino extrafino, poliƩsterelitƩ, largo = aprox. 70 m/50 g).

Agujas: del n° 8.

1 aguja circular corta del n° 6.

Muestra 1 agujas del n° 8:

Muestra de mora, n° de p. mĆŗltiplo de 4.

1ĀŖ v. de ida: p. rev.

2ĀŖ v. de retorno: * tejer 3 p. juntos del rev., tejer de 1 p. 3 p. (1 p. der., 1 p. rev., 1 p. der.) *, repetir continuamente de * a *.

3ĀŖ v.: p. rev.

4ĀŖ v.: tejer de 1 p. 3 p., (1 p. der., 1 p. rev., 1 p. der.), tejer 3 p. juntos del rev. *, repetir continuamente de * a *.

Repetir la 1ĀŖ-4ĀŖ v. continuamente.

Muestra 2 agujas del n° 8: * 2 p. rev., 2 M der. *, repetir continuamente de * a *, terminar con 2 p. rev.

Muestra 3 agujas del n° 8: n° de p. mĆŗltiplo de 10 + 8 p.

P. de trenza segĆŗn el esquema.

El esquema muestra las v. de ida y de retorno.

Repetir la 1ĀŖ-8ĀŖ v. continuamente.

Consejo: las flechas en el patrĆ³n indican el sentido de tejer.

Muestra orientativa:

Muestra 1 - 3, agujas del n° 8: 17 p. y 18 v. = 10 x 10 cm.

Parte 1: Montar 116/124 p.

Tejer en la distribuciĆ³n de muestras siguiente: 1 p. de orilla, 2 p. rev., 36 p. muestra 1, 38/46 p. muestra 2, 38 p. muestra 3, 1 p. de orilla.

A 18 cm de largo continuar en la distribuciĆ³n de muestras siguiente: 1 p. de orilla, 38 p. muestra 3, 2 p. rev., 36/44 p. muestra 1, 38 p. muestra 2, 1 p. de orilla.

A 36 cm de largo cerrar todos los p.

Parte 2: Montar 116/124 p.

Tejer en la distribuciĆ³n de muestras siguiente: 1 p. de orilla, 38 p. muestra 3, 38 p. muestra 2, 2 p. rev., 36/44 p. muestra 1, 1 p. de orilla.

A 18 cm de largo continuar en la distribuciĆ³n de muestras siguiente: 1 p. de orilla, 36 p. muestra 1, 2 p. rev., 38 p. muestra 3, 38/46 p. muestra 2, 1 p. de orilla.

A 36 cm de largo cerrar todos los p.


Cerrar las costuras, cosiendo el borde A sobre A y B sobre B.

Remontar del escote aprox. 100/112 p. y tejer 1 v. cerrada de p. rev., cerrar despuƩs todos los p. flojamente del rev.

Para los flecos cortar al borde exterior entero unos hilos de aprox. 45 cm de largo y anudar cada vez 3 hilos a una distancia de aprox. 3 cm.

Ahora, anudar cada vez 6 hilos de dos flecos yuxtapuestos a aprox. 5 cm del borde como sigue: 1 vez de izq. a der. y 1 vez de der. a izq.

Repetir estos nudos a una distancia de aprox. 5 cm una vez mƔs.


Talla: Ćŗnica


Hilo: 100 g beige (merino fino, poliĆ©ster elitĆ©, largo = aprox. 90 m/100 g). Juego de agujas del n° 8 y 9.

Muestra 1 agujas del n° 8: 1 p. rev., 1 p. der.

Motivo circular: agujas del n° 9:

1ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 1 p. der., 1 hebra *, repetir continuamente de * a * = 12 p.

En las v. cerradas no mencionadas tejer los p. del der.

3ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 1 p. der., 1 hebra *, repetir continuamente de * a * = 24 p.

7ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 1 p. der., 1 hebra*, repetir continuamente de * a * = 48 p. 13ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 1 p. der., 1 hebra *, repetir continuamente de * a * = 96 p.

Muestra orĆ­entativa:

muestra 1, agujas del n° 8: 12 p. y 16 v. = 10 x 10 cm.

Consejo: el gorro se teje partiendo del centro con 4 agujas de un juego de agujas en redondo.


Montar 6 p., repartirlos en 3 agujas y cerrar en redondo.

A partir de ahora continuar segĆŗn el motivo circular.

A aprox. 15 cm desde el punto central comenzar con los menguados finales:

1ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 10 p. der., tejer 2 p. juntos del der.*, repetir de * a * continuamente = 88 p.

2ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 9 p. der., tejer 2 p. juntos del der. *, repetir de * a * continuamente = 88 p.

3ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 8 p. der., tejer 2 p. juntos del der. *, repetir de * a * continuamente = 72 p.

4ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 7 p. der., tejer 2 p. juntos del der. *, repetir de * a * continuamente = 64 p.

5ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 6 p. der., tejer 2 p. juntos del der. *, repetir de * a * continuamente = 56 p.

6ĀŖ v. cerrada: * 5 p. der., tejer 2 p. juntos del der. *, repetir de * a * continuamente = 48 p.

Tejer en la muestra 1 todavĆ­a 3 cm, cerrar los p. a la italiana.

Fruncir el centro con el extremo del hilo.


Traducimos al inglĆ©s 

Knitted poncho and hat


Size: S / M / L / XL

Model measurements:

Chest contour approx. 120/128 cm

Length approx. 57 cm


Thread: 550/600 g beige (extra fine merino, polyester, length = approx. 70 m / 50 g).

Needles: from n ° 8.

1 short circular needle of n ° 6.

Sample 1 needles from n ° 8:

Default sample, p. multiple of 4.

1st v. one way: p. rev.

2nd v. return: * knit 3 p. wrong together, knit 1 p. 3 p. (R 1, R 1, R 1) *, repeat continuously from * to *.

3rd v .: p. rev.

4th row: knit 1 p. 3 sts, (1 sts, 1 sts, 1 sts), knit 3 sts. together rev. *, repeat continuously from * to *.

Repeat the 1st-4th v. continually.

Sample 2 needles No. 8: * 2 p. rev., 2 M der. *, repeat continuously from * - *, finish with 2 sts. rev.

Sample 3 needles from No. 8: p. multiple of 10 + 8 p.

Braid length according to the scheme.

The schematic shows v. outward and return.

Repeat the 1st-8th v. continually.

Tip: the arrows on the pattern indicate the direction of knitting.

Orientative sample:

Sample 1-3, needles 8: 17 p. and 18 v. = 10 x 10 cm.

Part 1: Assemble 116/124 p.

Knit in the following pattern distribution: 1 p. shore, 2 p. rev., 36 p. sample 1, 38/46 p. sample 2, 38 p. sample 3, 1 p. shore.

At 18 cm long continue in the following sample distribution: 1 p. from shore, 38 p. sample 3, 2 p. rev., 36/44 p. sample 1.38 p. sample 2, 1 p. shore.

At 36 cm long, close all p.

Part 2: Assemble 116/124 p.

Knit in the following pattern distribution: 1 p. from shore, 38 p. sample 3, 38 p. sample 2, 2 p. rev., 36/44 p. sample 1, 1 p. shore.

At 18 cm long continue in the following sample distribution: 1 p. shore, 36 p. sample 1, 2 p. rev., 38 p. sample 3, 38/46 p. sample 2, 1 p. shore.

At 36 cm long, close all p.


Close the seams, sewing edge A over A and B over B.

Come up from the neckline approx. 100/112 p. and knit 1 v. closed from p. rev., then close all p. loosely from rev.

For the fringes, cut a few threads of approx. 45 cm long and knot 3 threads each time at a distance of approx. 3 cm.

Now tie 6 threads of two juxtaposed fringes each time at approx. 5 cm from the edge as follows: 1 time from left. to der. and 1 time of der. to the left

Repeat these knots at a distance of approx. 5 cm once more.


One size


Thread: 100 g beige (fine merino, elite polyester, length = approx. 90 m / 100 g). Set of needles No. 8 and 9.

Sample 1 # 8 needles: 1 p. rev., 1 p. der.

Circular motif: needles No. 9:

1st v. closed: * 1 p. right, 1 strand *, repeat continuously from * - * = 12 sts.

In v. closed not mentioned knit st. from the der.

3rd v. closed: * 1 p. right, 1 strand *, repeat continuously from * - * = 24 sts.

7th v. closed: * 1 p. right, 1 strand *, repeat continuously from * - * = 48 sts. 13th v. closed: * 1 p. right, 1 strand *, repeat continuously from * - * = 96 sts.

Orientative sample:

sample 1, needles no.8: 12 p. and 16 v. = 10 x 10 cm.

Tip: the hat is knitted starting from the center with 4 needles from a set of needles in the round.


Cast on 6 sts, divide them over 3 needles and sew in the round.

From now on continue according to the circular motif.

At approx. 15 cm from the center point start with the final tapers:

1st v. closed: * 10 p. right, knit 2 sts. together from right *, repeat from * to * continuously = 88 sts.

2nd v. closed: * 9 p. right, knit 2 sts. together from der. *, repeat from * to * continuously = 88 sts.

3rd v. closed: * 8 p. right, knit 2 sts. together from der. *, repeat from * to * continuously = 72 sts.

4th v. closed: * 7 p. right, knit 2 sts. together from der. *, repeat from * to * continuously = 64 p.

5th v. closed: * 6 p. right, knit 2 sts. together from der. *, repeat from * to * continuously = 56 p.

6th v. closed: * 5 p. right, knit 2 sts. together from der. *, repeat from * to * continuously = 48 p.

Work in sample 1 still 3 cm, close sts. Italian style.

Gather the center with the end of the thread.

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